Limitation of posts

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For the new members, there is post limit. Here you share, discuss and find the scoring way for the game you love and other get best games by GPWAY discussion.

So, the limit does not stop you from participating, only to keep clean and helpful posts for others.

Posts per day
NEW MEMBERS - No thread post until 20 replies.

BEGGINER MEMBERS - After 20 replies members can create new thread post which has 30 posts/day limit.
20 posts per day after your first 5 replies.
Promoting(by participating in the discussion) to new will give you more posting privilege.

Member activation
New registered members can only start participating in the discussion after activate their account within 15 days to prevent auto deletion of the account.
If someone does not click activation link sent to their email inbox, will be automatically deleted.
(This post was last modified: 04-15-2017, 04:17 AM by johnthan.)

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