How to solve river crossing iq game

4 Replies, 20862 Views

River crossing IQ puzzle game is one of the most searchable game every day, as the survey says.
People love to play this game.

How to solve the first level of River Crossing IQ game..
1st level is easy you can try it yourself and get to know this game has really a good puzzle game where most of people had negative review on google play store when they find themselves unable to find solution.

First level, where you can try taking wolf/sheep/cabbage one by one because there is no much option where you could stuck without result.
Trying will given you definite result..

See below video and go for others..

First six level answer
Answer of first six level

Another six level answer
Answer of second six level
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2017, 04:27 AM by johnthan.)
[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

What is the name of this image..?

Answer is "FIREFOX"
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2017, 04:41 AM by johnthan.)
[Image: pour-out-beer.png?w=960]

There are 3 cups of 8L, 5L, 3L

Logic 8: There are 3 cups of 8L, 5L, 3L. The cup of 8L was filled with beer. Pour out 4L of beer within 10 times of pouring.

8L to5L
5L to 3L
3L to 8L
5L to 3L
8L to 5L
5L to 3L
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2017, 04:57 AM by johnthan.)
River Crossing IQ Game Leve 36
How to solve river crossing IQ game level 36?

This level has different numbers whenever you refresh or click the back button.
You can get the same numbers as shown in the video by clicking to back/refresh button.

River Crossing IQ Level 37

How to solve river crossing IQ level 37?

There are lines you have to clear all by moving on it. Blue lines clear by one move where orange lines require two moves.

The same level can be solved in this way which is very similar to the first solution.

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